Biofeedback (BFB)

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Biofeedback is a process that enables an individual to learn how to change physiological activity for the purposes of improving health and performance. ... Precise instruments measure physiological activity such as heart function, breathing, muscle activity, and skin temperature. These measurements of autonomic nervous system functions are then fed back to the client in real time to foster self-regulation. “Skills vs. Pills”

It begins with a psychophysiological stress assessment. The purpose of the stress assessment is to explore a person’s baseline level of stress, or autonomic nervous system arousal, how they respond to a variety of stressors, recover from them, and return to a pre-stress baseline level. The report includes measures of Skin conductance (GSR-galvanic skin response), hand temperature, surface muscle tension (sEMG), heart rate, and respiration rate.

Here's how it works


Free Consultation

Discover how neurofeedback can help you with a complimentary consultation tailored to your brain's unique needs and your personal goals.


Brain Mapping

Uncover the intricacies of your brain's activity with our advanced brain mapping technology, providing insight for neurofeedback training.


Start Training!

Embark on your journey to optimize brain function and enhance well-being through our expert-guided neurofeedback training programs.

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