Pulsed Electromagnetic Stimulation (PEMF)

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pEMF-pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency Stimulation involves the painless pulsing of micro electromagnetic frequency through coils placed on the surface of the scalp. The brain will mimic, or entrain, to what is put into it whether it is magnetic stimulation or current stimulation (tACS-transcranial Alternating Current). Based on observations of the EEG, if you give the brain 10 Hz, it will make, mimic, or follow 10 Hz. The brain will entrain to the stimulations that are given. Low intensity pEMF and tDCS/tACS can be given at high frequency without damaging tissue. 

We also know that when you stimulate the brain and entrain it, you cause capillary dilation. When you stimulate the cells, the cells call for resources and you get more blood to the region causing the dilation. The more blood flow to the region, the more oxygen arrives and with it the potential for neurogenesis. The more oxygen to the region, the more cells proliferate, adding new healthy cells to a damaged network. When there is a damaged region, it is important to not only heal the area but also to remove any damaged cells as well. When blood flow is increased in the area, the more free radicals can get pulled out from the region which will in turn reduce inflammation. pEMF and tACS stimulations are both beneficial for reducing inflammation. Neural inflammation as well as inflammation in the body may reduce when using stimulation technology. 

The NeuroField X3000 is a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (pEMF), four channel frequency generator that can generate a pEMF frequency range of 0.31 – _300,000 HZ. pEMF with an output intensity range from 1-50 microTesla (uT) that is 10,000,000 times weaker than an EMF pulse given by rTMS devices. Unlike rTMS, which forces a depolarization of the neuron. NeuroField pEMF stimulation again is simply ‘copied’ or mimicked by the brain. In this way, the brain can be “driven” at different speeds depending on the clinical needs of the person. Since the output of NeuroField is so low, it is possible to give pulsed EMF stimulation faster than 10Hz, at long durations, without the concern of generating heat and causing tissue damage. 

Pulsed Electromagnetic Stimulation (PEMF) Machine

MRI data and multiple studies have shown that using stimulation technology causes calcium activation in the glial cells of the brain. Studies found that you not only get glial activation at the area where you apply the stimulation, but as soon as that area is activated, it cascades to surrounding areas and has a global effect. The current will go all the way through the brain, so it will affect the cortical, sub-cortical, and even the brain stem areas of the brain. Studies have also shown that sodium activation occurs as well, which can create an increase of evoked potential response.

When brain goes into a state of neuroplasticity it creates a phase shift giving you an open window for training. Thus, you can take a patient, put them into a neuro-plastic state and use the Neurofeedback feature and/or alternating current or electromagnetic features in NeuroField to train them.

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